Increase Profits With Our Tools
Brake fluid flushing is the #1 new high profit service
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Step 1
60 Second Test
- Simply dip in the brake fluid and wait
- BrakeStrip® tests for COPPER. Copper is the first metal to corrode in the brake system. Copper is in the braising of steel brake lines.

Step 2
Visual Proof
- Visual proof your customer can see.
- Color Scale Card and support material to explain “why?”
- A standard to support your recommendation for service.

Step 3
Protect Your Customers
- Preventative Maintenance
- Safer Vehicles for your customers
- Extend the life of the brake system
Professional Mechanics Testimonials
Emmet Mays, Lexington, KY
“I sold over 400 brake fluid flushes in two months using BrakeStrip as my sales tool.”
Frontier Chevrolet
“I bought two tubes, then I bought four tubes, then ten. Man, I can’t believe how great they are selling brake flushes!”
Brake Specialists
“The BrakeStrips take all the guesswork out of testing brake fluid.”
Speedy Oil Change and Tuneup
“The BrakeStrips are great! I had to hire another guy to do all the flushes”
Tony Campagnari – Castle Rock, CO
“The BrakeStrips work spectacular! We test every car that comes in and it has increased our sales.”
Bendix Brakes
“After extensive testing, Bendix feels that the visual dip strip from Phoenix Systems is the best indicator system on the market. Phoenix Systems is well respected in the industry. Phoenix Systems knows their brake fluid”
Bill Williams, Brake and Front End
“Industry Adopts Brake Fluid Replacement Guidelines as the industry has replaced much of the myth surrounding brake fluid with fact and has adopted an industry accepted testing technology (FASCAR). Technicians at shops following these procedures will be able to confidently educate their customers on the benefits of a brake fluid flush.”
Kerry Pipes, November 2005 Fixed Ops Magazine
“In the 1990s, researchers were looking for a better, more reliable way of testing brake fluid than what had been available. The end result was the development of FASCAR (Fluid Analysis by Stimulation of Copper Alpha Reactions) Technology.”
Partner With us
7 Steps to Increasing Shop Profits
Step 1. Test every vehicle with BrakeStrip. It is almost impossible to determine which vehicles will require a brake fluid exchange. You cannot rely on visual inspection (color), mileage or age of the vehicle to determine if a brake fluid exchange is needed. BrakeStrip will accurately identify if brake fluid should be replaced in about 60 seconds. Simply dip the BrakeStrip into the master cylinder reservoir for one second, shake of the excess fluid.
Step 2. Determine if brake fluid exchange is required. Compare BrakeStrip pad color to determine the copper level
with the chart on the side the BrakeStrip tube. * Motorist Assurance Program (MAP) UICS require brake fluid replacement at 200 ppm copper.
Step 3. Show the strip and the card to your customer (regardless of the test result) and let them compare the strip
color to the card themselves. This is very important and one of the most important things you can do to earn your
customers trust by proving “If and When” brake fluid replacement is required.
Step 4. Staple the strip to the work order and give the customer the card to keep.
Step 5. Perform a high quality brake fluid exchange service. For most vehicles it takes 1 quart – 1/2 gallon of brake fluid to properly flush the system. Vacuum flushing is the least effective technique. Pressure flushing is best and it is important to open each wheel individually and flow a fairly equal amount of fluid through each wheel. It is okay to flow a little more fluid through the first two wheels. Follow the manufacturer’s bleed sequence for flushing. Hint: while pressure flushing the brake system, depress the brake pedal approximately 1 inch, this opens a low/no pressure zone in some master cylinders and provides a much more efficient brake flush. No matter what tool you use for the brake fluid exchange, finish the procedure using the Phoenix Reverse brake bleeder, which not only ensures complete removal of (trapped) air, but also has the added advantage of requiring only one tech to complete.
Step 6. Perform an “after test”. Test drive the vehicle and press the brake pedal as frequently as possible. Perform an “after test” with a second BrakeStrip test strip to make sure you properly flushed 80- 90% of the copper from the brake system. Remember, BrakeStrip works perfect every time and never lies. If you fail a test soon after a brake fluid exchange was preformed, it means that the exchange was not performed properly and you need to improve your brake fluid exchange technique.
Step 7. Show the “after test” to your customer so they can feel good about the hundred bucks they just spent to
Safeguard their Stopping Power. Most importantly, Test, Don’t Guess!

Mechanic and service facilities BrakeStrip FAQ
How do you know when brake fluid is bad?
There is only one way to know and that is by testing with BrakeStrip. Brake fluid manufacturers and experts have determined that you cannot tell brake fluid condition by color. This is the most common reason “uninformed” technicians recommend brake fluid replacement. Time and mileage is also a poor indicator because many factors effect brake fluid condition that time and mileage cannot account for. Moisture is not a good reason either. The moisture myth has been replaced with BrakeStrip fact.
What’s the big deal about copper?
Government research confirmed that copper can form deposits around the sealing surfaces of ABS valves, which means your car may take longer to stop in a panic situation. Other research finds that copper levels in the brake fluid are the best indicators that the fluid’s corrosion inhibitors are losing their punch and major corrosion is just around the corner. Copper provides a verifiable means of determining brake fluid condition.
Copper is used in the brake lines of the brake system. That is the primary source for copper in the brake fluid.
Which is a more effective way to test brake fluid, moisture or copper?
An independent study* reveals copper testing is 35 times more effective than moisture testing. The study tested brake fluid in 469 vehicles for boiling point and copper levels. Copper testing discovered brake fluid replacement was required for 208 of the 469 vehicles tested. Only six vehicles had a boiling point below the minimum wet DOT 3 boiling point for new brake fluid.
In the bluntest terms, using any boiling point or moisture tester to sell a brake fluid exchange is a waste of your valuable time and resources. Let’s use the above test results as an example.
A typical BrakeStrip System user could realize as much as $8,320 in profits selling 100 brake fluid exchange services to those 208 potential customers. (average 50% close rate). Now that’s a great return!
How can BrakeStrip increase service profits?
Every tube of BrakeStrips holds the key to $1,000’s in Brake Flush Profits and Millions of Vehicles Require the Service Now! Not only will the BrakeStrip system give you additional services to sell your existing customers, but it will bring in hundreds of new customers as you promote this virtually untapped service.
Many of our customers offer “free brake fluid testing” and report bringing hundreds of new vehicles into their service facilities. If you also perform a courtesy inspection, you are likely to find many other legitimate services you can perform on those vehicles, in addition to the $ thousands you’ll make with brake fluid exchange.
How do I sell a brake fluid exchange?
The most effective way to sell brake fluid service is to take a moment to educate the customer about the new brake fluid testing standard. It is also helpful to have a poster or counter mat providing some basic information about brake fluid and the necessity to test it.
Inform the customer about the BrakeStrip visual test and show them the test results, give them the Customer color card and let them determine the results. It is very powerful when they see the “purple proof” and make the determination themselves. It is also great if their vehicle passes the test because they will recognize you didn’t try to sell them an unnecessary service and they’ll be ready when it does fail.
You are providing your customer two basic services:
- Protecting their money. Help avoid costly repairs
- Protecting their brakes. Keep ABS in top performance
What about vehicle safety?
Look at the simple facts, if copper testing identifies 35 times a many vehicles that require a brake fluid replacement, then 35 times as many vehicles will have safer brake fluid, if brake fluid service is performed. If safety is a concern, the copper testing is the clear answer.
Why can’t I use the color of brake fluid to sell a service?
There is no science or standard to justify brake fluid replacement based on color or it “looks dirty”. Brake fluid manufacturers and industry experts have determined that you cannot tell brake fluid condition by color. Brake fluid can quickly discolor due to assembly lubricants and dyes from the hoses. One common tactic is to show a sample of new fluid compared to a sample of your fluid. Again, there is no basis or foundation that the “color” means the fluid should be replaced.
The only justifiable reason to suggest replacement based on color is if the standard brake fluid has been replaced the wrong fluid and the fluid is red or purple in color.
Why can’t I just use time or mileage to sell a service?
The type of driving, like highway or “stop-and-go”, hides the secrets that time or mileage won’t discover. And GM, Ford and Chrysler don’t have a recommendation for brake fluid service.
If the vehicle has O.E. (BMW, Mercedes…) brake fluid recommended maintenance based on time/mileage, you can offer brake fluid replacement according to the O.E. parameters. Many shops and dealerships still use Brake Strip because it will help clarify service within maintenance parameters.
I just serviced the brake fluid in this vehicle a month ago, why did it fail another BrakeStrip test?
BrakeStrip never gives a false reading. It tests for copper so there is no way to “fake” the test.
The answer is very simple. There is still copper in the brake fluid. The problem is the type of brake flush technique that was performed. If you use vacuum, gravity or pedal flushing, you probably won’t be able to properly flush the contamination out of the brake system.
Don’t blame the messenger!
How much should I charge for brake fluid exchange service?
You should charge between $70 and $125 to properly flush an ABS system. If you charged $19-39 for a brake flush, there is no way you can perform a proper service for that much money. Proper brake fluid replacement requires special training, proper equipment (SCAN tool, pressure flush equipment etc.) and using at least 2 quarts of brake fluid. And a couple of special techniques
I dipped BrakeStrip in water and nothing happened, why?
Believe it or not this is a common question. We have three answers.
- It’s not a moisture test
- It’s not a moisture test
- It’s not a moisture test
How many brake fluid copper tests have been performed?
We estimate that approximately 46 million BrakeStrip brake fluid copper test have been performed.
What do the “string operations” use to determine if brake fluid service was performed?
It has been reported that BrakeStrip is also being used by state regulators and “sting operations” to make sure brake fluid services are being properly performed.
Are there any flaws with BrakeStrip copper testing technology?
We are not sure if this is considered a flaw, but some DOT 4 brake fluids take longer to react. It may take several minutes for the full color reaction to take place.
The test is accurate, so if you don’t provide a good brake fluid exchange the test will reveal it later.